Trout Of March Slovenia3

April delivered quality Fly fishing!

With more or less all the time cloudy and shower-full weather, many anglers decided that April 2023 was not the most nice fly fishing month.. We have to disagree with that; mix weather conditions are much more stimulative for fish feeding and being active than constant high air pressure and nice – sunny weather! Surely colder and more wet weather means more nymph and streamer fishing with less or shorter dry fly fishing time-frames but at the end – we are equipped with all the fishing can wish for! Not to mention better and better artificial flies! Wise anglers went out in April and their moves were not in vain! If still having some doubts – contact us and hook-up with a pro Guide! Than you can forget about where-what and how to get those big fish! We shall do all the thinking for you while your only concern shall be – to have fun! PS: do not forget to check out our web-shop with the highest seasonal stock of very catchy flies!

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